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Are you ready???

Are YOU ready for dog sport?

By Diane Jessup:

During the time that you learn about dogsport and the wonderful relationships which develop between handler and dog, I would like you to think about the following information on whether or not dog is right for YOU.

After over 30 years in dogsport, I have met a LOT of "newbies". I think there is an inexhaustible number of newbies out there. Let me define newbie so that you will not see it in a negative light. By newbie I mean someone who is just starting out in dog sport. They may have owned or even bred dogs for a hundred years, but they have never put a title on a dog. So, in the beginning, I see them all as hopeful little prospects - then time weeds them out into wheat and chaff. The wheat runs about 5% to the chaff.

Some find that dog sport is not for them but the vast majority are made up of that mass of people (including you and me) who drift along, often trying new things. It's what keeps life interesting. My only objection to newbies is when they breed dogs before they know what they are doing and when they waste a trainer's time.

After 30 some years of observing newbies, I've gotten pretty good at determining if a person will make it in dog sport or not. It comes down to exactly FOUR things:

1) Their dog; If Fido doesn;t want to play, they are doomed. Unless they get a second dog. Some do, some don't.

2) Location, location, location... Be prepared to drive A LOT. You must be able to afford gas. If there is not an organized and functional club of the sport they want to participate in in their area, they will drop.

3) Determination. People are either doers or not. If some one needs to be held by the hand they won't make it. When I was a little ol' 14 year old kid I was riding the bus to a large kennel to clean kennels for free for the opportunity to just WATCH them train obedience and protection training. My parents did not encourage my dog activities and I had no friends involved in them. I had to locate events. figure out how to train for and enter them - all before the days of the internet. This is a big one. .. if someone is not a self starter they will drop out.

4)Time/Stable Family: Ah!, Another big one! Many of us start things and then find out we are over booked. Easy to have happen, and probably the number one reason people drop out of dog sport. If a person can't commit (this is dependent on sport) at least two nights a week and one whole day on the weekend most weeks, they ain't gonna make it. If you are in the military, in school, working two jobs, have a ton of kids, or if little Johnny has baseball all summer - forget it


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